Frequently Asked Questions
Regarding Access to the Site:
1) The thank you page says that I should look for an email. I never received that email.
Put in a support ticket and I'll set you up manually.
2) I never received the email to set up a password.
The easy fix that you can do by yourself is click "Forgot Password" on the login page:
If you still have trouble, put in a support ticket and I'll handle it manually.
3) Why do you have such a crazy system that sends one email to set up the account and then a second email to set up the password, why can't you do the whole thing in one go?
I agree with the attitude of the asker, and I myself would never do it this way. But I use the OptimizePress theme for the site, and the way that OptimizePress interacts with WordPress, they tell me that this is the way that it has to be done. This is a hoop that we have to jump through and bear for the optimum functionality of the site.
Regarding the course content:
1) Which video editors do you teach?
The short answer is that I do not teach any video editors. I teach Video Editing.
The longer answer which requires some explanation, is that I teach all of the video editors. Please see question #3 and #4.
2) So with what video editor do you use to teach your video editing?
Camtasia, mostly version 8, a little with version 9.
3) Then will I have to buy Camtasia in order to get anything out of the course?
In order get something out of the course, it makes sense that you should use the lessons yourself in order to edit your own videos. Thus you really have to have SOME video editor.
There are two price ranges for video editors. a) free or b) not free.
In general, the editors which cost money have more functionality than the free ones. In my opinion, often you need that added functionality that you get from the paid video editors in order to produce a video that looks good.
If you don't have any video editor, and you want to be involved in video editing, I personally recommend getting one of the better video editors, and not one of the free ones. Now, for myself, I personally chose Camtasia, mainly for two reasons: It is not THAT expensive, not THAT top of the line, (they don't use Camtasia in Hollywood). And secondly it seems to me that it is the most common video editor used amongst internet marketers.
But if you have another video editor that you are happy with, by all means use it.
Additionally, if all you need for yourself is minor touching up of your own videos, then maybe a free editor is all you need.
4) Then if I have another video editor how am I supposed to get anything out of your videos if you present everything with Camtasia?
My intention is that when you see the exercises and the examples and the strategies performed and explained in Camtasia, then you will be able to apply it to your own video editor. I believe that this assumption is justified, and it has been echoed already by others.
That said, it is self-understood that on your editor it will look a little different, and additionally, since the functionality of each editor will be a little bit different not all of the examples will fit perfectly one with the other.
5) Why did you record the videos in Camtasia version 8 and not what everyone buys today version 9?
I made a video for you (the button at the end is not yet live):